Message from our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO)
My name is Sam Curtis and I am the SENDCO at Wolborough CE Nursery and Primary School. Alongside this, I am also one of the teachers in Globe.
At Wolborough CE Nursery and Primary School we recognise that all children are individuals with their own strengths, attributes and needs that we strive to meet on a day to day basis. However, some children need that little bit extra and it is my responsibility to coordinate the support given to these children to help them achieve their full potential. I work closely with the teachers and learning support assistants (LSAs) to ensure we are delivering the best possible education across the school and, where necessary, we draw on the knowledge of outside agencies to help us provide the best education for all.
As parents, we recognise that you have a vital role in supporting the learning of your children so you will be
considered and consulted regarding any decisions made for your child. We are also as a school very keen to hear the children’s voice in all aspects of their learning therefore their feelings will always be taken into account.
I am available Thursdays and Fridays for any parents who would like to discuss their children’s experience at school: the provision made for them, the progress they are making and any concerns you may have.
I am also happy to meet parents at other times but this will need to be arranged at the school office or via email Please feel free to come and see me if you would like to find out any more about the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at our school.