Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead - Tracy Hoare

Deputy Head and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Simon Brown

SENDCO - Sam Curtis


Class Teachers

EYFS - Katie Ledbury and Emma Dugmore 

Year 1 - Leanne Bickerton and Charlotte Caudrelier 

Year 2 - Louise Back 

Year 3 - Jo Young and Kathryn Walters

Year 4 - Tracey Palmer and Toby Strick

Year 5 - Sarah Wood

Year 6 - Vicky Hunt


Pastoral Lead

Michelle Gibbons


Admin Staff

Lisa Holmes - School Administrator



Teaching Assistants

Jenny Lovick

Philippa Shanahan

Samantha Hooker

Jackie Jordan

Pat Wreford

Stacey Nichols

Dawn McCarthy

Bella Dyke

Lainey Laity

Bert Miller

Rachel Johns

Freya Hunt

Sophie Jarvis

Jenna Hill

Bethany Williams

Maryna Shevchuk


Mealtime Assistants

Becky Turner

Sophie Jarvis

Jenna Hill

Bethany Williams

Leanna Eager


Caretaking and Cleaning  Provided by KGB Cleaning



Kitchen Manager - Ami Benmore-White

Catering Assistant - Jackie Besford

Catering Assistant - Jodie Tancock