A warm welcome to our class. We are really looking forward to working with you and your child. Our topics this half term are
‘The Whistling Monster- Jamilla Gavin,’ this will form the basis of our English work for the first few weeks followed by some poetry. We will be working on spellings from Spelling shed and Year 3/4 common exception words. These will be given as homework each week alongside some math’s work. As you are aware at the end of Year 4 we have the multiplication tables check. PLEASE use every opportunity to practice multiplication facts from 2 – 12. Children should be encouraged to have instant recall of these facts so any activities will help them. We start our Maths unit looking at place value to ensure children have a solid foundation of numbers on which to build. In History we will be finding out about the Anglo -Saxons. In Science we will be learning about Sound. We will also be talking about families and friendships in PSHE and learning some Spanish vocabulary.Â
We ask children to bring reading books into school every day and complete a ‘Book review’ after they have found a book particularly interesting to share with the class. This sits alongside our ‘Buzz Books’ which children can also borrow and read at home. We will be visiting the library to change books on a regular basis. Please share these with your child if they have chosen something which is above their reading age- enjoy the story together.  We are very lucky to have additional support from Mrs Shanahan, Miss Hunt and Mrs Langler. These ladies help with reading, spelling and support any children who find the school day a challenge. We are going to have a magnificent year – hopefully ending with a trip to Exeter to see artefacts linked to our topic and RE work.